Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino
YOUNG BOSS is a place for young bosses and entrepreneurs of all industries to collaborate and chat about the expected (and unexpected) challenges of being a successful, young professional in today's business environment. Tune in weekly for discussions about leadership, personal growth, networking & building relationships, raising capital, business strategy and SO much more.
Young Boss with Isabelle Guarino
Going Viral And Cancel Culture... Who is Melissa Rein Lively?
Melissa Rein Lively has a familiar face—and for good reason. You might remember her viral moment during the pandemic as she stormed into a Target to protest masks? That episode had her reputation and career on its way to the ‘pasture’, people were attempting to cancel her. If you ask Melissa—that experience was the best thing that happened to her and propelled her career and businesses more than it hurt them. But it didn’t start there..
Pivoting from a dream of red-carpet reporting to becoming a trailblazer in the world of public relations, Melissa Rein Lively shares her unique journey in this episode of the Young Boss podcast with Isabel Guarino. Starting as a journalism student at ASU, Melissa aimed to be the next Julianna Rancik. But as opportunities shifted, so did her focus, leading her to discover the vast potential of PR—a move that would ultimately redefine her career.
Melissa’s hustle began early. From landing a co-hosting gig at just 19 to working as a CBS anchor while still in school, she carved her own path through the media landscape. When PR caught her eye, thanks to her then-boyfriend, now-husband’s connections and its lucrative potential, she didn’t just dive in—she made waves. Melissa wasn’t content with the traditional approach. Instead of simply reporting stories, she created them, earning herself a reputation for orchestrating newsworthy events that brought small businesses into the spotlight.
In this episode, I sat down with Melissa and explored her fascinating insights on going viral and the perils of cancel culture. She shares candid reflections on her own experience with virality, turning what could have been career-ending moments into opportunities for growth. Her advice? Understand your audience and be mindful of what you put into the world.
Melissa’s story is one of grit and guts, constantly reinventing herself in the face of changing circumstances. Whether she was breaking into the PR world or navigating the complex dynamics of cancel-culture, her relentless work ethic and fearless attitude set her apart. We unpack her approach to turning obstacles into opportunities, along with her advice on staying adaptable and ahead of the curve in today’s fast-paced media environment.
Thanks for listening to another episode of Young Boss with your host, Isabelle Guarino. Be sure to like, share, and follow on Instagram and TikTok.
And remember, youth is your power.
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And remember, youth is your power.